

『愛の不時着』で話題・北朝鮮住民の知られざる生活実態とは?(2)-PSCORE [ENG]


  Hello! Continuing from the last post, we would like to introduce the real living conditions of North Korean people.







  ドラマ『愛の不時着』でも、北朝鮮の至る所にプロパガンダ が登場していましたよね。


  北朝鮮の住民は子供の頃から金日成の家系を偶像化し、祖国のために命を捧げて戦わなければならないと学びます。 北朝鮮の教育過程 はこれを教えるために存在します。


  プロパガンダは至る所にあり、映画、テレビ番組、劇場、漫画、街のポスターなど生活のすべての面で目にすることになります。北朝鮮の住民たちは月に数回、金日成金正日記念碑を訪問しなければならず、“親愛なる指導者” の写真が入った額縁を家に飾り、毎日きれいに拭きます。


  Propaganda appeared everywhere in North Korea in the drama "Crash Landing on You."

  North Koreans are taught to idolize the Kim family and fight for their country from an early age. The education system is designed around this purpose.

  Propaganda is at every corner, and in every aspect of one’s life : movies, television shows, theater, comic books, posters in the street… North Koreans are required to visit monuments to honor Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il several times a month and have framed pictures of their “beloved leaders” in their homes that they are required to clean every day.




  ''I was found to have painted a portrait of Kim Il Sung during class and suffered severe corporal punishment. It is absolutely unacceptable to draw the face of the leader.''-Chun Hyuk (escaped in 1998)



(Forced labor)




  As most of them don’t have the background and money sufficient to go to university after they graduate from high school, North Koreans are sent to work on collective farms, factories, construction sites, etc. They do not get to choose their job and are submitted to intense hours of work, up to 12 or 16 hours per day. 



  ''I had weak joints, but I was assigned to a factory where I was forced to stand for a day. After six years, I was hospitalized with completely broken joints in my both legs and was able to rest for the first time in my life.'' -Ayong (escaped in 2009)





  In exchange for their work, they receive little pay and food. In collective farms, for instance, each worker is given a quota per day, and when the quota is not met, the worker does not get anything to eat. Working on construction sites and in mines can be dangerous, but if injured, the North Koreans do not receive any compensation.






▶︎ http://pscore.org/home-ja/




  This is the end of today's post. We hope you learned more about the harsh life of North Koreans, which was not depicted in the drama "Crash Landing on You."


  Next time, we will introduce the Internet environment in North Korea, so please look forward to it! Check out our PSCORE website as well.



Thank you for reading! See you next time!:)