

『愛の不時着』で話題・北朝鮮のインターネット事情とは?-PSCORE [ENG]




Hello everyone! Today we will tell you about the Internet environment in North Korea.

We will answer your questions such as "Can North Koreas use mobile phones?" "Isn't it prohibited to watch overseas dramas?" Please read it to the end!





(Is the use of Mobile / Internet allowed in North Korea?)


A. 基本的には使えません。政府が利用を厳しく統制しているためです。

A. Basically, it is not allowed. This is because the government strictly controls its use.


携帯電話やインターネットを使えば、世界中の情報が得られます。北朝鮮では国内で承認されていない海外コンテンツや技術はすべて違法であり、一般の人々が手に入れられるのは検閲された情報やニュースなどごくわずかです。 北朝鮮政府にとっては、政権維持のために海外の文化やニュースへのアクセスを可能な限り管理および制限することが最も重要なのです。


Mobile phones and the Internet allow you to get information from all around the world. In North Korea, all foreign content and technology that are not approved by the government are illegal, and the general public has very little information or news that is censored. It is of utmost importance for the North Korean government to control and limit access to foreign cultures and news as much as possible in order to maintain its regime.


インターネットにアクセスできるのはごく限られた富裕層 (政府高官などのハイパーエリート階級もしくはエリート学生など)です。北朝鮮人口の大多数を占める一般人がインターネットへのアクセスを行うのを厳しく規制するために、政府はテクノロジーを活用して監視を強化しています。


Only a limited number of wealthy people (such as hyper-elite classes like government officials or elite students) have access to the Internet. To strictly regulate access to the Internet by the general public, who make up the majority of North Korea's population, the government is using technology to strengthen surveillance.






 Seo Dan from "Crash Landing on You" is also the daughter of the president of a department store



政府は北朝鮮製のソフトウェアを使って携帯電話やコンピューターの所有者に関するデータを収集しています。例えば、Red Star OSというソフトウェアは、北朝鮮で作成されたノート型パソコンやタブレットなどの多くのデバイスにインストールされています。政府はRed StarOSを介して接続されたすべてのデバイスのデータにアクセスできます。Red Star OSを使用すると、政府は各USBおよびSDカードが以前に接続されたすべてのデバイスを追跡することもできます。一方で、密輸などを通して海外製のデバイスを所持する人もいます。つまり、北朝鮮人は違法な海外のデバイスを所有するリスクを負うか、合法な北朝鮮製の装置を使うことによってのプライバシーの欠如を受け入れるかのどちらかを選択することを余儀なくされているのです。


The government uses North Korean-made software to collect data about owners of mobile phones and computers. For example, software called Red Star OS is installed on many devices such as laptops and tablets made in North Korea. Governments can access data on all devices connected through Red Star OS. It also allows governments to track all devices to which each USB and SD card was previously connected. On the other hand, some people have devices made overseas through smuggling. This means that North Koreans are forced to choose between taking the risk of owning an illegal foreign device or accepting the lack of privacy by using legitimate North Korean products.


「国民が自由にインターネットが使えるようになれば、北朝鮮は自国を維持することは難しいでしょう。 [...]ほとんどの人の思想は変わり、社会は混乱し、人々は裏切られたと感じるでしょう。それが実現するかは時間の問題で、誰もが変わる時が来るのです。 [...]海外に住む北朝鮮人は真実を知っています。 [...]インターネットは北朝鮮人の脱北に大きな役割を果たしています。 人々が一度でもインターネットを使うならば、彼らはすべてを知ることになります。」 –キム・ヨンリ (脱北者)


“If the internet worked, it would be difficult to maintain North Korea. [...] It would be a mess, for most people their thoughts will change. They will feel betrayed, it is just a matter of time, everyone will change. [...] North Koreans who live abroad know the truth. [...] The internet plays a major role in the defection of North Koreans. If they use it even once, they find out everything. ”– Kim Yeon- Ri (North Korean defector)








However, the situation has changed drastically in recent years. 

A survey of 200 North Koreans who escaped to South Korea between 2012 and 2018 found that 46% of them owned mobile phones in North Korea. There are two important points here.

First, those who can defect from the North are likely to take the risk of illegal actions, such as owning a mobile phone, and have the means to do so. Second, the highest percentage of North Korean defectors came from along the border between North Korea and China, where it is relatively easy to smuggle and use mobile phones. As you can see, there are a certain number of people who have access to mobile phones and the Internet despite the extreme control of the government.



朝中国境の丹東で入手できる北朝鮮の携帯電話 [Pyongyang T6]

North Korean mobile phone 'Pyongyang T6' available in Dandong on the NK-China border



(What happens if you get caught accessing overseas content?)




金正恩の下では、学校や事務所などの公共の場や人々の家でも当局の踏み込み捜査が頻繁に行われています。 捜査は、USB、SDカード、海外コンテンツを含むDVDなどの違法なデバイスに対して行われます。もし見つかって賄賂を渡すことができない場合、厳しい罰が科せられる可能性があります。


「ある日お気に入りのCDを友人に勧めました。 しかし、その友人が自宅でそのCDを聞いていた時、突然踏み込み捜査が行われたのです。彼らはCDが誰のものかと尋ねました。こうして、私と友人、そして私たちの家族までもが捕まったのです。」 –キム・ボラム


The punishment has become more severe since Kim Jong Un came to power. It is not uncommon to be executed just by watching an overseas drama.


Under Kim Jong Un, authorities are frequently conducting in-depth investigations in public places such as schools and offices and in people's homes. The investigation is conducted on illegal devices such as USB, SD cards and DVDs containing foreign content. If found and unable to bribe, severe penalties can be imposed.


“I watched something on a CD and thought it was fun, so I recommended it to my friend. My friend was watching it at his/her house when they suddenly got inspected. They asked who the CD belonged to, and that’s how we got caught, my friend’s family and mine as well.” – Kim Bo Ram



『愛の不時着』韓ドラ通の北朝鮮兵士 キム・ジュモク

Kim Jumok from "Crash Landing on You," a North Korean soldier who loves K-dramas







▶︎ http://pscore.org/home-ja/




This is the end of today's post. We hope you learned more about the harsh life of North Koreans, which was not depicted in the drama "Crash Landing on You."


Next time, we will introduce child labor issue in North Korea, so please look forward to it! Check out our PSCORE website as well.



Thank you for reading! See you next time!:)