

「革命家を育てる」北朝鮮の教育-PSCORE [ENG]


  Hello everyone! Today we would like to tell you about the educational system in North Korea based on revolutionary ideals.




Korean's Children Union



(Education policy in North Korea)












  Article 43 of the North Korean constitution states that “the State shall embody the principles of socialist pedagogy so as to raise the rising generation to be steadfast revolutionaries who will fight for society and the people, to be people of the new Juche type who are acknowledgeable, morally sound and physically healthy”. 

  In this context, the “revolution” that North Korea has mentioned means sacrificing everything for the sake of the country, more precisely the dictatorship regime, and becoming loyal to the Kim family.


  North Korean education focuses on eradicating the humanity of North Koreans, monitoring each other, and brainwashing them to hate outsiders. Also, North Korean children and adolescents are forced to mobilize for impractical revolutionary education and a wide range of labor and goods collection at critical times when they should have a normal education.



(Idolization Propaganda)




  Since the 1970s, Kim Il-Sung has demanded absolute obedience from the public through idolization education. North Korean people receive idolization education from a very young age. In elementary and junior high schools, the content of idolization of Kim Il Sung's family is included in the regular subjects. As part of the curriculum, the courses are about the childhoods and revolutionary activities of Kim Il-Sung, Kim Jong-Il, and his birth mother, Kim Jong-Suk, all the while emphasizing the greatness of “the 3 Generations of Baekdu Mountain’s Leaders.” (Mt. Baekdu- A mountain considered to be a sacred place for the Korean race)




授業前(Before class)


  北朝鮮の学生は毎日学校の授業が始まる前に15分程度偶像化関連の内容を声に出して読み, 勉強しなければなりません。この時間を「独歩時間」と呼びます。 これは1日の最初の日課で、学生のうち1人が政治思想が掲載された新聞をはじめ、教養資料や歌を声に出して読むのです。これには党の政策と時事問題などを学ぶ目的があります。しかし言論の自由が保障されていない北朝鮮では偶像化の目的のための媒体に過ぎません。本質的に独歩時間は独裁者に対する忠誠心を高めるために活用されます。


  In North Korea, there is a so-call “self-study” session every day before classes commence where students must spend 15 minutes studying and reading idolization content aloud. One student will bring forth the newspaper or a song and read it for the rest of the class. The objective is to keep learning the Party’s policies and current events. However, with no freedom of the press, the media is merely another form of idolization education. Fundamentally, the Self-Study sessions are intended to foster loyalty towards the dictatorship.




Portraits of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are displayed in each classroom


授業中(During class)



金日成の言葉を誤って引用したり、間違っていれば罰を受けた。助詞1つ間違えてもいけなかった。」 – イ・ソンリ









"I was punished if I mistakenly quoted Kim Il Sung's words. I couldn't even make a mistake in just one particle." – Lee Sung-ri


  Political ideology curriculum is pervasive in all aspects of North Korea’s educational curriculum, and it is used strongly as a medium to train “talented revolutionaries with independence and creativity.” North Korea’s Juche ideology demands absolute obedience to the North Korean leaders. This is because according to the ideology, only the leader can be the driving force behind carrying the North Korean people throughout history.


What is the Juche Ideology?

  -North Korea's unique political thought. While making the masses the protagonists of revolution and construction, the people must submit to leaders with absolute authority in order to maintain national autonomy. (Shogakukan "Digital Daijisen")


  North Korean students are forced to study political thought, and if they do not do their homework in such classes or otherwise fail to correctly memorize the material, they are subjected to harsh physical punishments. This kind of political thought education during the academic years greatly influences the North Korean people. Because the political education is to be carried from the womb to the grave, many individuals consider its importance to be far greater than it actually is.




授業外 (Outside classes)



  また、彼らの肖像画がいかに重要なものであるかを、幼い頃から「肖像画磨き」を通して学校で教える。 「肖像画磨き」とは、小学校の時から大学まで, 肖像画を精誠をこめて磨くことである。丁寧に肖像画を掃除することは、金日成の家系の無条件的な忠誠心と偶像化を表現する。これだけでなく北朝鮮の政府は住民を継続的に「プロパガンダ」に露出させ、北朝鮮政府思想と正当性を北朝鮮住民に毎日刻みこませます。

  Idolization education persists outside classes even on school excursions. Many symbols of the North Korean leaders are created (statues, badges, portraits, etc.) to affirm their greatness to the people; there are approximately 38,000 statues which all have a significant meaning. Schools teach children from a young age that the portraits of the leaders are important by having them clean the portraits. Students are expected to clean the portraits with utmost sincerity from elementary school to college. The act of cleaning the portraits is to have the students express absolute loyalty and idolization towards Kim Il-Sung and his family. Not only this, but the North Korean government exposes its citizens to daily, continuous propaganda revolving around the government’s ideals and legitimacy.





Badge for loyalty



Portraits in a general household







Next time, we will talk about North Korean education that forces the people to "learn hatred."

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Thank you for reading! See you next time :)