

北朝鮮での日常的な、逃れられない性的虐待-PSCORE [ENG]


Hello! Today we would like to write about sexual abuse that is commonplace in North Korea.



(Sexual Abuse)


子ども、特に若い女の子は、様々な加害者から性的虐待を受けるリスクが高くなっています。 25.6%北朝鮮脱北民が性的虐待を経験しているのです。




レイプ北朝鮮でも蔓延しています。 多くの場合、子供たちはとても若いため、何が起こっているのかさえ知りません。 レイプやその他の形態の性的虐待の被害者が虐待を報告する可能性は低く、そのために加害者は通常罰則を受けることがありません。


「私は人形で遊んでいましたが、彼は別の遊びをしようと言いました。 痛くて嫌だったことを覚えています。 彼は言いました、「心配しないで、あと10数えよう、10、9、8 …」[…]私は泣き続け、嫌だと言い続けましたが、両親は私に起こった出来事を理解していませんでした。 3回目に彼と私を一緒にした以降、両親はようやく私を彼から遠ざけることにしました。」



     Children, especially young girls, are at a high risk of being sexually abused by a wide range of perpetrators. 25.6% North Korean refugees experienced sexual abuse. 43.9% have experienced two or more types of abuse (sexual, physical, economic, and or emotional abuse).


     The most widespread form of child sexual abuse in North Korea is sexually inappropriate touching.


     Rape is also prevalent in North Korea. Oftentimes, the children are so young that they do not even know what is occurring. Victims of rape and other forms of sexual abuse are unlikely to report their abuse. Thus, perpetrators unusually face no penalties.


     “I was playing with my doll and he said we’d play a different game. I just remember thinking it was painful and did not like it. He said, “Don’t worry, let’s just count, just ten more, ten, nine, eight…” […] I kept on crying and saying I did not like him, but my parents did not understand what happened to me. After the third time leaving me with him, they decided to keep me away from him.”

– Female North Korean student (escaped in 2014)




「年齢に関係なく、男性に会うたびに鳥肌が立ちます。 私には男性は全てそのように見えるのです。男性に追われるという多くの悪夢もみました。」


I’ve got goosebumps whenever I see a man, regardless of their age. That’s the only way any of them appear to me… I’ve had many nightmares of being chased by men.”

– Eun-Young









「私たちの近所では、女性が3人の兵士に集団強姦されました。 私は人々が彼女について話しているのを聞きました。 彼らは3人の兵士が誰であるかについて触れることはありませんでした。 彼女が何をされたかについてのみ話し合っているのです。 そのような環境で女性はどのようにして性的虐待の犠牲者であると言うことができるでしょうか?」–ウンジュ




学校では、性行為、避妊、または性感染症についての教育はされていません。 性的虐待は犯罪であるということを学生に認知させる努力はなされておらず、人々は意図的に無知の状態にされているのです。

今日でも、北朝鮮の男性は女性の子どもを「未成年者」とは見なしておらず、性的対象としているために恥や罪悪感を感じていません。 「未成年者の保護」という概念は存在していないのです。


Why Victims do not report their abuse


1.Stigmatization and victim-blaming

     The institutionalization of victim-blaming and social stigmatization is so strong that even victims’ closest friends and family members discourage them from telling anyone, including the authorities, about their abuse.

     “In our neighborhood, a woman was gang-raped by 3 soldiers. I heard what people were saying about her. No one talked about who the 3 soldiers were. They only discussed what they did to her. (In such an environment) how could women speak up that they are victims (of sexual abuse)? – Eun-Joo


2. No concept of “child sexual abuse”

     Sexual abuse is deeply accepted in North Korea that it is not even understood as a criminal act.

     In school, there is no education about sex, contraception, or sexually transmitted diseases. There is no effort to make students aware that sexual abuse is a crime, and people are intentionally kept ignorant.

     Even today, men in North Korea do not view female children as “underage” and have no feeling of shame or guilt as they sexualized them. The concept of “protecting the underage population” does not exist.





(Stories of young women who experienced sexual abuse)



  10歳の時、スジンはある男の世話をしていました。 彼女が眠っている間、彼はスジンの体に触れました。 それは彼女が家に滞在している間何度も続き、それは約一ヶ月続きました。 最初、彼はスジンの体をまさぐっただけでした。 しかし、だんだん男はスジンの小さな手を使って自分の体をこすり、押し付け始めました。 スジンは今でもその感覚を鮮やかに覚えています。 当時、彼女は恥ずかしくて混乱していました。 不快な気持ちになり鳥肌が立ちましたが、なぜ彼女はそのように感じたのか、そしてなぜ彼がそのようなことをしているのか正確には分かりませんでした。










     At the age of 10, Su-jin stayed in the care of a man. He would touch Su-jin's body while she was asleep. It continued many times throughout her stay in the house, which lasted around a month. At first, he only groped Su-jin's body. But as time passed, the man also started taking Su-jin's small hand to rub and press against his own body. Su-jin still remembers the sensation vividly. At the time, she felt ashamed and confused. The feeling was unpleasant and gave her goosebumps, but she didn't know exactly why she felt those things and why he was doing what he was doing.



     One defector, Ji-young, told PSCORE that one night when she was 7 years old, as she was asleep wedged among the many people in her home, she awoke to an unfamiliar sensation. Her hand was inside one of the guest's pants, a man who was her mother's cousin. Ji-young was unsure of what was happening, as it was a completely unfamiliar situation for a 7-year-old. However, the unpleasant sensation remains stark in her memories to this day. At the time, all she could do was pretend to sleep and try to avoid her abuser for the rest of his stay.

     A year later, when Ji-young was 8-years-old, she spent some time in the care of her relatives. In that house, usually 5 or more people had to share a small room to sleep. Ji-young did not enjoy staying at this house and often cried. She was quietly sobbing one night when she felt someone climb on top of her. She felt a hand grope her bare skin under her clothes, but she did not dare open her eyes. Everyone was sleeping together in the room, and the perpetrator's wife was sleeping right next to them. Ji-young didn't want to wake them, or more accurately, she was afraid that even if they did awaken, they would pretend not to see. Ji-young did not think any of them would help her. Slowly, she turned her body as if turning in her sleep and fortunately, he quietly got off of her. Ji-young was very scared and felt devastated, but it occurred to her that for some reason, she shouldn't let the others find out that she was awake, so she did her best to stifle her sobbing.

     When she was 17-years-old, taller, and more mature, the sexual abuse occurred more often. Some days it was her uncle's friend, and on other days it was her father's friend or her aunt's friend and so on. They would touch Ji-young or put her hand inside their pants. She was always awake when it happened, but never made it known. The abusers would spend days at her home, and she had no choice but to face them during the day.

     One night, an uncle who was high on a drug called “pingdu” assaulted her. For the first time in Ji-young's life, she resisted with all her strength and pushed him off. The anger and sorrow she had been bottling up exploded all at once and she shouted at him, demanding him to explain himself. The uncle was still intoxicated, but he saw her tear-stained face and apologized. However, Ji-young could stand it no longer. She told her stepmother about her uncle's assault and her stepmother assured her that he would be punished by Ji-young's father. However, later that day her father and uncle came home laughing together. Far from being punished, her uncle was exchanging jokes with Ji-young's father. Ji-young felt devastated. Whether it was her stepmother who hadn't told her father, or her father choosing to ignore what happened, Ji-young felt like she was not being protected.

     After that day her uncle became violent. He slapped Ji-young for not serving his meal promptly and began to hit her constantly. And so, one day when her uncle again tried to hit her, Ji-young left the house with nothing but the clothes on her back. That was the day Ji-young left North Korea.

     More than 10 years have passed, but Ji-young still remembers each incident of sexual abuse, all the way back to when she was just 7 years old. People tell her how fortunate she was not to have been raped, but one cannot help but ask, was she truly fortunate?






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