

自由を求めて彷徨った6,000キロ(1)-PSCORE [ENG]































  水を切ったお粥を一杯飲んだ後、私の家族は暗い居間の床に黙って横たわっていた。 「ああ...どうやって生きるのかい?」と落胆した母はため息をついた。明日は窯に入れるご飯がなく、ヨンナムの家族のように家族が散らばって飢えて死んでしまうように思われました。






  それは1997年3月の出来事でした。私たちは恵山駅で下車し、駅の市場を見回しました。恵山の市場には咸興よりも安い価格の中国製品が多かった。豚肉、ご飯、中国のソーセージ、中国のクラッカー、キャンディー、靴など、私が今まで欲しかったものはすべて揃っていました。 「いつ私たちは'普通の'人間のように服を着て食べることができるのだろうか?」私は疑問に思いました。母と私はあえて何も買わずに、ただ目でごちそうを食べました。










  これはすぐに私の耳に届きました。北朝鮮では1,000元は約25,000ウォンで、豚3頭分に相当します。 30頭の豚を1年間頑張って、お金をかけて事業を始めれば、咸興で大金を稼ぎ、在日コリアンと同じくらい裕福になるでしょう。












  夜は真っ暗で、どこにいるのかわからなかったのですが、ガイドがすぐに反対側の懐中電灯を点滅させているのを見つけました。 そして私たちは30代の中年男性2人に会いました。二人の男は中国語でガイドに話しかけ、韓国語で私たちを歓迎し、それから私たちは道を進み始めました。








  男性は中国語しか話せなかったので、何が起こっているのか私たちには理解できませんでした。 5日目、ついに運命の瞬間がきました。頑強な中国人の若い男性が2人ずつやって来て、私たち一人一人をどこかに連れ去ったのです。私は他の女性から二度と連絡がありませんでした。


























Wandering 6,000 km with my family


The desolate ‘90s, the ‘march of suffering’ I do not wish to think about


  The great famine that swept North Korea in the mid-90s changed everything. Even our next-door neighbor, Yong-nam’s family, said that they were going to Sinuiju or somewhere near the coast of Pyeongbuk province to catch some shellfish. Their house became empty and only the dust that seeped through the broken window panes remained.


  On the streets near the market place, orphaned children in groups of twos and threes were engrossed in the search for rice grains stuck in the mud. Not sure when they last got their hair cut, one petulant boy takes a young girl by the hand as they wander the streets together.


  Last night, they say two people starved to death in the main boiler compartment at the Hamhung machine factory. In the street collection place, there is a middle-aged man in his 40’s, face as dark as night, crouched over cradling his hungry stomach.


  I used to think that death was horrible and I cringed at the thought of myself being buried, but now, I am not the same person as then. I had witnessed so many deaths over the years that my fear of it had disappeared.


  Whoever makes it out alive is the victor. This saying was, at the time, a common thought among the people of the North, and it reflected our will and determination to survive.


  My mother went out to the marketplace this morning with a handful of books. These were the books my father used to read when he was an engineer at the technology preparatory division in the machine factory. In 1995, when the factory stopped giving out rations, my father tried selling coal in Sinuiju but eventually passed away from hunger on the streets.


  The only possessions my father left us were his Level 3 Flag Medal and merit medals he earned at the factory for his work and his old study books.


  We sold the blankets and blanket cabinet, the dresser, aluminum bowls, and anything we could to make money, but it was not even enough to buy food, let alone make any money from. Now, the only things left were my father’s technical books.


  However, in a situation where everyone was scrounging for something to eat, it was ridiculous to think that people would pay money for books. Even the most studious looking university students did not peek at those technical books. The people that were actually buying books were rice cake vendors who needed paper to wrap their rice cakes in. So the most we could get for a book was the price of a rice cake.


  Even the ‘Chosun Language Dictionary’ that weighed 3kg and could only be found in the Grand People’s Study House in Pyongyang, was traded for 5kg of popped corn. My mother, who used to run a kindergarten refinement center, used to be so cheerful; but now, her footsteps coming back from the market place were always heavy and lonely.


‘Mother, please let me go earn some money in China just for a year’


  After drinking a bowl of watered-down porridge, my family lay in silence on the dark living room floor. “Oh~ how are we to live,” sighed my dejected mother. We did not have any rice to put in the kiln tomorrow, and it seemed as though our family would scatter and eventually starve to death like Young-nam’s family.


  “Mom, you know Chang-nam’s family who lives behind us, they have relatives in China who are living quite well,” I whispered in my mother’s ear. She replied, “Quit that! Who cares if China is well off, it doesn’t help us any. Don’t talk like that or the security division will come and take you away,” and she cut me off mid-sentence.


  “But mom, we can go to Hyesan and make some money doing chores at a Chinese person’s house,” I begged my mother time and time again. Listening to her then 16-year-old daughter, my mother finally relented and we headed for Hyesan half-filled with expectation and half-filled with disappointment.


  That was March of 1997. We got off at Hyesan Station and looked around the station’s market place. There were more Chinese goods at cheaper prices in the markets of Hyesan than Hamhung; pork, rice, Chinese sausages, Chinese crackers, candy, shoes, etc. they had everything that I ever wanted. ‘When will we get a chance to dress and eat like proper human beings?’I wondered. My mother and I did not dare buy anything but we merely feasted with our eyes and tried to brush off our shabbiness.


  From one corner of the market place, two young ladies whispered to one another and glanced in our direction. They must have noticed that we were not from around there; they looked at us and asked, “Hey ladies! Where are you from?”


  When we said that we came from Hamhung, they replied, “To go over there?” and looked across the river. My mother and I did not catch what they meant by ‘there,’ so they clarified by saying, “to China.”


  “No way! You’re talking gibberish…” we replied defensively and one of the strangers noted, “My, you’re quite pretty. Even if you worked at a restaurant in China you could earn 1,000 Yuen a month…”


  This immediately caught my ear. 1,000 Yuen is about 25,000 Won in North Korea, equivalent to the price of 3 pigs. If I worked hard for a year that would be 30 pigs, and if we took the money to start a business, we could make a fortune in Hamhung and be quite wealthy as the Zainichi Korean


  My head was full of thoughts after parting ways with those ladies. Unplanned, I grabbed my mother and said, “Mom, I want to go to China. Let me go for just one year to make some money.” My mother was startled and retorted, “China is capitalistic so they sell girls to bars. As long as I’m alive, I can’t let you go there,” and she thus dismissed my request.


  “But mom, isn’t it better than starving to death? Those ladies will introduce me to someone, and if something should happen to me you can hold them accountable,” my insistent demands finally won my mother’s consent.


  I am the middle child of 3 and ever since I was young, my mother could not beat my stubbornness. I wandered back to the market corner to find those two ladies. After making an appointment with them, I crossed the Yalu River that night. I asked my mother to promise me not to move and wait for my return.


Sold to a man in his 40’s


  Three others crossed the Yalu River with me, one lady from Kangwon province and 2 others from Bukcheong. Between the 4 of us, I was the youngest and the rest was women in their 20-30s. We waded across the turbulent river and made it to XXX.


  The night was pitch black and it was difficult to tell where we were, but our guide soon found the blinking flashlight on the other side. We were met by 2 middle-aged men in their 30’s. The two men spoke to the guide in Chinese for a bit, welcomed us in Korean, and then we went on our way.


  Our guide told us that the men would lead us to the restaurant and she crossed back the Yalu River that night. We followed the Chinese men into a Chinese person’s house. The men seemed extremely happy as they made calls to a number of places.


  Our party had been waiting at the house for 3 nights and 4 days now. With the lack of news, we asked when they would take us to the restaurant. The Chinese men told us, “If we stay here, the Chinese police are going to come and take you away, so we have to hide somewhere safe.”


  The men only spoke in Chinese so none of us could understand what was going on. On the fifth day, the moment of our fate finally arrived. Robust Chinese young men came in two by two to take each of us away somewhere. I did not hear from the other women again.


  I rode the car, the train, and followed the men wherever they went. I did not know a single word in Chinese and I had no choice but to be dragged along by these men. Some days later, I found out I ended up in China’s Shandong province.


  They led me to what was supposedly my “new home” and inside there was a 40-something-year-old man with a dark mustache. The man spoke with my guides for some time and then the guides left; this is when I realized I was not meant to work at a restaurant but to be delivered as a bride. I was outraged.


  As a mere teenager, I had experience with men, and to think that my marriage partner was a man in his 40’s was befuddling. Even if I came from a poor country, I still wanted to maintain my chastity.


  I wept and thrashed, asking the Chinese man to please send me back to my mother.

  The man did not understand me and kept talking as if something was the matter; he opened his arms and expressed some sort of regret. Looking back, I suppose the man’s position was that he paid money to buy me and therefore I was his property, he was gesturing that if I wanted to leave I had to at least pay him back.


  I fasted for three nights, and on the fourth morning, I was crouched in the corner of a room crying my eyes out. My eyes were swollen and my body was completely listless. When the Chinese man left for work, he locked the house from the outside and when he returned, he prepared me some thin rice porridge and went off to smoke by himself.


  Judging by appearance, the man did not seem violent. I gathered my thoughts and made up my mind to first live, and then I can figure out an escape plan or make money to go back to my mother. Foremost, I had to learn some Chinese. This was how I would find opportunities.


  I tried talking to the man and started eating my meals. In the process, I picked up some Chinese words and after 2 years in China, I gave birth to a daughter. No matter how well the Chinese man cooked for me and despite how well he treated me, I still could not accept him and I could not erase the thought of seeing my mother again....




See you in our Part 2 post! She finally decided to escape to South Korea...


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Thank you for reading! :)