

「憎しみを学ぶ」北朝鮮の教育 (2)-PSCORE [ENG]


  Hello! Continuing from the last post, let's take a closer look at North Korean education that forces its people to ''learn hatred."





(Group criticism sessions)


  生活総和は、学校や労働団体自己批判と相互批判を通じて思想を浸透させ,  独裁政権服従させるために、金日成の時から受け継がれてき嫌悪教育です。生活総和はお互いを監視し不信させ, 社会の構成員の間で「協力」しないようにするのに大変貢献をしています。


  生活総和は相手を常に批判的な視点で見るようにし、そのような環境でお互いを信じることができず, 常に気をつけながら圧迫感を感じるようになります。相互批判は批判することが見つからないときは, 学生同士あらかじめ言うことを決めておいて行う場合も多いが、それでも自分を批判すると心に傷を負います。それだけでなく、相互批判をきっかけに学校で弱い学生をいじめが起こることがとても多いのが現状です。


  The Saeng-hwal-chong-hwa or group criticism sessions should be mentioned as it is a form of damaging and fear instilling education, that has been handed down since Kim Il-Sung Government, to make the people obey the dictatorship through public self-criticisms and mutual criticisms at schools or working groups so, it makes people monitor and distrust each other and contribute greatly to preventing members of the society from cooperating with each other.


  This practice has become so ingrained in their society that citizens view each other with a critical eye even when not in these sessions. Through this environment of constant societal scrutiny, the regime causes its people to experience mistrust, anxiety, and fear while still suffering pressure to promulgate the very behavior monitoring and censorship which keeps them so subjugated. Moreover, there are considerable cases in which weaker students are bullied because of what happens in Saeng-hwal-chong-hwa.



脱北者 キム・ヨンリの証言

Testimony of North Korean defector Kim Young-ri

''Everyone had to participate in the group criticism session. I had to criticize someone every week, so my friends and I would often rearrange in advance saying, "I will criticize you, so you criticize me."- Kim Young-ri



(Public executions)

  公開処刑は様々な場所で頻繁に行われるため、強制的か否かを問わず、多くの人々が幼い頃から目撃することになります。脱北者の証言にもあるように非常に暴力的であり, 独裁政権に反抗するいかなる行動も容認しないということを知らしめることにが目的です。




  Because public executions frequently occur in various locations, people witness them since youth, whether they are forced to or not. These executions, as supported by the defectors’ testimonies, are very violent and serve to warn everyone that there is no tolerance for any form of actions made against the regime.


  Public executions are conducted to rule North Korea via a reign of terror. There are many moments in which it is mandatory to attend public executions, and if the person attending is a minor, it often becomes a source of lifelong trauma. These scenes of violence, which even elementary school students are forced to watch, are a denial of basic human dignity and humane criminal justice to the people.








  内部結束力と外勢の憎悪をさらに造成するために北朝鮮政府は群衆大会を執り行います。群衆大会とは人々が集まり「米帝南朝鮮(韓国)傀儡徒党を打ち砕こう」といった嫌悪発言をしてデモするものです。祝日によく行われ、学級、学校、市、道、 中央政府でスケジュールがすべて異なり、すべての群衆大会に出席しなければならないため、 四六時中ところかまわず行われます。


  To create stronger hatred towards foreign powers and to create internal solidarity, North Korea holds mass rallies. Mass rallies are protests in which crowds gather and make hate speeches such as, “Defeat the U.S. and the puppet government of South Korea.” It is held mostly in holidays, but each class, school, city, province, and central government has a different schedule; all must attend to these rallies.





(Animated movies)


  生活総和と群衆大会などの行事だけでなく、日常生活の中でも暴力教育は行われます。北朝鮮政府は成長期の幼い子供たちにアニメを通じて思想を注入することにより、学校内の嫌悪教育に加え、より強力な洗脳をしています。幼い頃からお互いを愛して、お互いを尊重しなさいと言われて育った他の国の子供たちとは違い、北朝鮮の子供たちは常に外勢を憎悪し、牽制するように学ぶのです。このような教育は、北朝鮮の子供たちが最も多く接する漫画にも表れています。 『少年将帥』『リスとハリネズミ』のような北朝鮮のアニメは、常に資本主義国家を憎悪して排斥するように教え、北朝鮮が世界最高だと洗脳させます。


  The violent and hateful propaganda takes place not just in events like Saeng-hwal-chong-hwa or rallies but also in their daily lives. The North Korean government indoctrinates the youth by providing animated cartoons that infuse hateful ideas along with their school curriculum. Since youth, North Korean children are taught to loathe and disrespect foreign powers and peoples, which is much different from children in other countries who are told to love and respect one another. These ideals even appear in the popular animated shows for the North Korean children.


  There are animated cartoons like “Boy General” or “The Squirrel and the Hedgehog” that teach children to hate and exclude capitalist countries at all times, and at the same time, they indoctrinate the children into believing that North Korea is the best country in the world.




A scene from the North Korean anime ''The Squirrel and the Hedgehog"

’’Don't be slow. Walk fast’’



A scene from the North Korean anime ''The Squirrel and the Hedgehog"

''If you catch it, you may have an operational advantage.''








This is the end of today's post. We hope you could see how North Korea is an exclusive nation and is focusing on brainwashing education for the people. 

Thank you for reading! :) We'll see you in our next post about ''Forgoten abductees''! 

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