

忘れられた拉致被害者たち〜今も帰郷を夢見て〜-PSCORE [ENG]












Hello. Today we would like to tell you about the abduction issues conducted by North Korea.


  The word "abduction" is a familiar word to many Japanese people.

What comes up to your mind when you hear "abduction"?

"Megumi Yokota" "Korean Air Flight 858" "North Korean spies" ...

All of these words are directly related to North Korea.


  The targets of the abduction by North Korea is not only Japanese. The agents (spies) sent from North Korea are lurking all over the world and committing crimes.


Let's take a closer look at the major abduction cases here.



Countries/regions the abductees are from

帰国事業 日本から北朝鮮

(Returning from Japan to North Korea in the 1950s)




  In 1959, more than 93,000 persons were coerced by false promises to move to the DPRK from Japan. However, a few years after they had moved, they were forced to cut off contact with their families in Japan. According to the COI’s findings, many of these people ended up in political prison camps or other places of detention in the DPRK where they were subjected to other crimes against humanity. Over a hundred citizens of Japan, South Korea, and other states were victims of planned abductions by special operations and intelligence agents of DPRK. Around 25 non-South Korean abductions were from Europe, the Middle East and other parts of Asia who were brought to the DPRK to become wives to other foreigners already living in the DPRK.




At that time, North Korea was touted as a "paradise on earth"



Japanese newspaper in 1959, ''975 people safely set sail to North Korea with applause'' 


(The abduction of Japanese citizens by North Korea)






  From the 1970s to the 1980s, many Japanese were abducted by North Korean agents. The Japanese government has identified 17 people as official abduction victims, but there are many other cases in which the possibility of abduction, including cases of abduction of non-Japanese people and specific disappearances, cannot be ruled out. North Korea initially stubbornly denied any involvement in the abduction by the state, but in 2002 the first Japan-North Korea summit was held, where it finally acknowledged its involvement. In the same year, 5 out of 17 abductees returned home for the first time in 24 years.

  After that, the only sign of life of the Japanese abductees was the North Korean regime’s declaration of the death of eight of them. To support these claims North Korea has handed over several things to the Japanese officials including the remains of the dead Japanese abductees. However, the Japanese government evaluated the remains and deemed them unreliable as they could not be identified.


⬇️日本政府 拉致対策本部の公式ホームページもご覧ください

Please also see the official website of the Japanese Government Abduction Issue Headquarters (ENG available)




⬇️救う会 北朝鮮に拉致された日本人を救出するための全国協議会の公式ホームページ

Please also see the official website of the Association of Families of Victims Abducted by North Korea (ENG available)





Abduction cases confirmed in various parts of Japan



(South Koreans abducted to North Korea)


  1950年6月25日朝鮮戦争勃発以降、北朝鮮政権は約20万人の民間人軍人を拉致しました。1946年金日成は “知識不足の問題を解決するために北朝鮮のすべての知識人を探し出す必要があるだけでなく、南朝鮮(韓国)の知識人も北に連れて来なければならない“ と言ったことから始まったのです。多くの韓国民が朝鮮戦争中に北に拉致されましたが、正確な行方不明者数は分かっていません。人権調査委員会は朝鮮戦争当時、北朝鮮軍によって約8万人の民間人が拉致され、数万人の民間人が送還されず抑留されていると主張しています。




  Since the beginning of the Korean War on June 25th, 1950, North Korea’s regime abducted approximately 200,000 civilians and soldiers.  In 1946, Kim Il-sung stated that “not only do we need to search out all of Northern Chosun’s intelligentsia to solve the issue of a shortage of intelligentsia, but we also have to bring Southern Chosun’s intelligentsia [to the North].”  Following this time, many citizens were abducted during the Korean War. However, the exact number of missing persons remains unknown. The Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea states that approximately 80,000 civilians were abducted by DPRK forces during the Korean War with tens of thousands kept when they should have been released.


  According to the White Paper on Human Rights in North Korea there have been at least 143 abductions, and at least 3,835 people were abducted since the end of the Korean War. After being held for six months to a year, 3,310 of these people were returned, but 516 are still missing.



Abduction was conducted during the Korean War



(1969 Korean Air Lines Hijacking)




  On December 11th, 1969, the Korean Airlines YS-11 plane from Gangneung Airbase bound for Gimpo International Airport was hijacked and changed its direction to North Korea within 10 minutes of taking off. The aircraft was carrying 46 passengers, four crew members, and the North Korean sleeper agent Cho Chang-Hee. The hijacker flew the airplane to Sondok Airfield which lies near the city of Hamhung, North Korea’s second largest city, more than 260 km away from plane’s original destination. It is unclear what happened to the hijacker, although, there are reports that there was a car waiting for him at the airport where the plane landed.



1969 Korean Air Lines Hijacking






  After two months, on the 14 February 1970, 39 of the 50 abductees were returned to South Korea across the Freedom Bridge near Panmunjeom. However, 7 of the passengers, all four crew members and the aircraft itself remain missing. The South Korean president Park Chung-Hee sent a letter regarding the missing 11 passengers of the flights to the UN Secretary-General U Thant on March 9, 1970. He responded admitting to having no power to pressure North Korea. 


  To this day, North Korea claims that the remaining 11 South Koreans have chosen to stay in North Korea out of their own free will. South Korean president Kim Dae-Jung’s sunshine policy towards North Korea resulted in family reunions taking place in 2001. One of the randomly chosen participants was Seong Gyeong-Hui, who was one of the flight attendants on the flight YS-11. When she met her mother in 2001, she revealed that the other crew members were still alive and even living near Pyongyang. While she had not seen the other abductees since their first arrival in North Korea, she mentioned she heard they were faring well.




Korean abductees who have not yet returned home










  This is the end of today's post. The abduction case by North Korea, that is, human rights violations, continues to be carried out both domestically and internationally. If you are interested in this issue, feel free to contact us for more information. "Knowing" is the first step toward solving a problem.


Visit our website as well! ▶️http://pscore.org/home/


Thank you for reading! We'll see you in our next post:)