

北朝鮮の恐ろしい児童虐待-PSCORE [ENG]





     Hello! This time we would like to tell you about one of North Korea's ongoing human rights violations, child abuse. 

     Since there is no concept of child abuse in North Korea, a culture of violence permeates which has long-lasting effects on North Korean children and their development.





 (Physical Abuse)







  また、暴力対象には性別によって違いがあるようです。 男性は回答者の47%女性は回答者の40%が身体的虐待を経験したことを証明しています。



  肉体的暴力は、個人の家と同じように学校でも受け入れられています。 体罰は学生の日常生活の一部になっているのです。


     Half of the respondents from PSCORE’s interviews have experienced child abuse and 85% of them have experienced physical abuse.


Physical Abuse at Home

     In the private sphere, physical violence is commonplace in North Korea. Several defectors reported that it is a commonly accepted practice for parents to be physically violent with their children.

The testimonies indicate that the degree of violence inflicted upon children vary between parents. Surveys show that 52% of low social status participants experienced physical abuse, whereas only 25% of high social status participants have experienced such abuse.

It also seems that there is a differentiation in the use of violence based on gender. 47% of the male respondents attest to have experienced physical abuse compared to only 40% of female respondents.


Physical Abuse at Schools

     Physical violence is accepted in school in the same way that it is in the private home. Corporal punishment seems to be part of the daily life of students.






  「2011年8月、国家安全保障局(SSD)は韓国映画を見たとして彼の息子を逮捕しました。 彼は拘留中に拷問を受けました。 「私の息子の左足首は粉々に砕かれ、彼の顔は打撲傷を負い、ひどく傷を負いました。」 SSDが彼を解放するために、両親はかなりの賄賂を払わなければなりませんでした。 残念ながら、その息子は拷問が原因で脳出血を引き起こし数日後に死亡してしまいました。」


Physical Abuse in State facilities

     The commission found that the majority of perpetrators are not held accountable. One terrifying story was told by a father of a victim. In August 2011, agents of the State Security Department arrested his son for watching South Korean movies. He was tortured while held in detention. “His left ankle was shattered and his face was bruised and grossly disfigured.” The parents had to give substantial bribes so that the SSD would release him. Unfortunately the boy died a few days after as a result of the torture that he endured, which caused a brain hemorrhage.





「拷問ではあなたの手は背中の後ろで手錠をかけられます。 そして、あなたは吊るし上げられ、立ったり座ったりすることができないようにされるのです。」



“Your hands are handcuffed behind your back. And then they hang you so you would not be able to stand or sit.”– Jeong Kwang-Il






  ある女性は、彼女が学校からの帰りに逮捕されたときはたった13歳だったそうです。 彼女の家族全員も理由が明かされることなく逮捕されました。 逮捕の理由について尋ねたり、それについて他の囚人と話すなどしようものなら処刑されてしまうのです。


  別の女性は政治犯収容所に28年間滞在し、釈放されるまで逮捕の理由を知りませんでした。 後に、朝鮮戦争中に祖父が大韓民国に逃亡したため、家族全員が逮捕されたことが判明したのです。


Political prison camps


     The state is guilty of enforced disappearances into these camps that officially do not exist. Entire families are sent there including children.

     Purges of political, ideological or economical “class of enemies” extend to the descendants up to the third generation of original wrongdoer.

     One witness said she was only 13 years old when she was arrested on her way back from school. Her entire family was also arrested without the reason being divulged. Worse, they were told if they should enquire about the reason or talk to other inmates about it, they would be executed.

     The witness stayed 28 years in the political prison and she never knew why until her release. Then, she found out that because her grandfather had fled to the Republic of Korea during the Korean War, her entire family was arrested.



''What is my sin? What is the sin of our brothers born in the camp? What sins do we have?''-Kim Eun Jung (Concentration camp prisoner, escaped in 2006)




  ある少女は捕まったとき、彼女は自分の意志に反して孤児院に送られました。 到着すると、彼女は椅子の上に立たされ革のベルトで打たれたのです。


  子供たちは、学校の時間中に畑で働くことで労働搾取されています。脱北者は、子供たちが作物を収穫し、トラックに積み込み、過酷な労働に従事しなければならないと証言しています。 北朝鮮の子供たちは、強制労働の任務を遂行できなかった場合、絶えず殴打されるのです。



     Humanitarian agencies do not have access to these facilities (UN Committee of Information (COI) collected North Korean defector testimonies)

     A girl was caught and sent to a facility for street children against her will. As she arrived she was beaten with a leather belt as she was made stand on a chair.

     In addition to the lack of food, the children were to sit all day long and go outside only once a week to empty the toilets.

     Children are exploited for labor by working in the fields during school hours. North Korean defector testimonies reported children having to harvest crops, loading trucks, and participating in strenuous labor. The North Korean children were constantly beaten if they were unable to complete the forced labor tasks.








There will be Child Abuse part 2 uploaded very soon, so please look forward to it!

Visit our website as well! ▶️http://pscore.org/home/

Thank you for reading! :)