

3度の脱北で得た自由 〜ある女性の物語〜 (3)-PSCORE [ENG]




  とうとう恵山の市場を歩いていると、携帯電話を持っている中国人商人が3人現れました。私は彼らの前に立って彼らの注意を引き、「ハルビンに電話をかけさせてください。そこの親戚に渡す必要があるものがあります。」 3人は私の流暢な中国語の能力に驚いて頭を傾け、電話を抜いて私にくれました。


  ハルビンから強制送還される前に、養鶏場の所有者の携帯電話番号を覚えていました。彼の声の音は大歓迎でした。私は自分の幸せを抑えることができませんでした。 「私は刑務所から出ました。今は恵山にいますが、中国に行きたいのならお金が必要です。私を助けてください。」



  今回もずっと前に助けを受けていた韓国の教会を探しに行きました。助祭様は私に会えてとても嬉しがり、「今回はあなたを安全に保つのに最適なものを見つけました」と言いました。 2003年4月、私は中国人男性と2度目の結婚をしました。もちろん、彼は鉱夫でした。一人目のギャンブラーよりはましな人でしたが、それでも運命はいつ残酷になるかわかりません。しかし、私にはなんの選択も与えられていないのです。


























Third defection: paying off soldiers for 300 Won


  When I arrived at the border the security was so heavy that I couldn’t even think of crossing the river to China. I stayed in Hyesan and walked the streets day by day waiting for my chance.

  At last, when I was walking through the market in Hyesan one day, three Chinese merchants carrying cell phones showed up. I stood in front of them to get their attention and said, “Let me make a call to Harbin. I have something I need to pass on to a relative there.” The three tilted their heads in surprise at my fluent Chinese ability and pulled out their phones to give to me.


  Before I was deported from Harbin I memorized the chicken farm owner’s cell phone number. The sound of his voice was most welcome. I couldn’t contain my happiness. “I got out of prison. I’m in Hyesan right now, but I need some money if I want to get over to China. Please help me.”

  He said, “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Wait for me. Just tell me your location.” After only two days he was able to go through all the formalities, and came over to Hyesan. He gave 200 Yuan to the managing officer of the border guards and 100 Yuan to the soldier in charge of sentry duty. This was how I got permission to leave North Korea for the third time.

  This time too I went to find the Korean church where I had received help long ago. The deacon was so pleased to see me and said, “I think I’ve found the perfect match to keep you safe this time.” In April, 2003 I was married to a Chinese man for the second time. Of course, he was a miner. Just like the gambler, he didn’t exactly sweep me off my feet, but fate can be cruel: I had had no real choice in the matter.

  This one was always drunk. He always cursed me for being a Korean who ran away from home. I wanted to leave him, but before I could do that I had to wait a while.


For freedom, I chose South Korea


  Time flowed by and it eventually became winter 2005. The deacon of the church brought a South Korean missionary to me. The deacon, who pitied my lack of normalcy in China said, “If you go to South Korea you’ll be able to get citizenship…” My ears perked up at the prospect.

  I had been deprived of citizenship and sent to prison by my home country. I had crossed the Amnok River only to live in China without rights and in hiding. I didn’t have any worries about having enough food to eat, but to me, rights were more important. I grabbed the hands of the deacon and the missionary and begged them, “Please, take me to South Korea.” The missionary led me to a place in Yongil, and I departed China for a third country with other North Korean defectors planning to go to South Korea.

  In the third country, I waited for a few months until I boarded a plane destined for South Korea. The airplane shot through the clouds as it took off to the top of the sky. As I looked at the clouds pinned down below the airplane tears welled in my eyes. After flying so high in the sky and touching down again on the very floor of the Earth, I felt as if my life had been renewed. The last seven years seemed to have flowed past like scenes in a film. I slowly turned my head north. I felt two emotions in that time: a joy like I was on top of the world and deep sorrow for my parents.


  I thought much of my parents, my son and husband who were so far away. I wanted to earn money quickly to help my parents and bring my child to South Korea.

If you watch the news you can see a lot of North Koreans who can’t adapt to the South and end up travelling to America. But for me, as long as I have freedom and rights, there is nothing to be afraid of. Having attained the same rights as others, compared to the suffering I experienced in China there are no difficulties here.

  In northeast China where I lived, women who have defected from North Korea are common. According to unofficial statistics from the government, they amount to tens of thousands of women. If these women are forcefully repatriated to North Korea, not only will it affect the women, but also their children remaining in China.

  I strongly demand the Chinese authorities grant these people refugee status. In this way, we may protect my brothers and sisters from experiencing the kind of bone-deep pain I experienced in my past.


Han Myeong Ok/ Entrance to South Korea 2006

Translated by Stuart Smallwood


This is the end of a testimony of a North Korean defector Han Myeong Ok. Please let us know what you felt about her story.


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