

自由を求めて彷徨った6,000キロ(2)-PSCORE [ENG]



















  その後、昆明を出てラオス国境に向かい、日中は個人の家で寝て、夜だけ移動しました。私たちはセキュリティチェックポイントを回って、ジャングルを通り抜けて南に向かいました。 「ゴールデンリバーデルタ」として知られるこの場所は、麻薬を中国に輸送することで悪名高いため、警察によって特に厳重に監視されていました。






















  私が見つけたブローカーは、タイだけで一人当たり400万ウォンを要求しました。モンゴルへは1人あたり350万ウォンです。 3人の家族が逃げるのを手伝うことは私に約1500万ウォンの費用がかかることになっていました。この大金を払う余裕はありませんでした。


  真まずは家族と会うことを一番に考えて、お金の問題などすべてを脇に置いて中国に向かいました。 1997年に、私は中国のレストランで働いてかなりのお金を稼ぐことを考えていたのを思い出しました。そして、母を離れて国境を越えてから8年、私たちはようやく再会しました。ヤンジにあるの簡易ホテルのなかで抱き合って泣きました。


  私は家族を地獄の穴に送り返すことができませんでした。私は家族に真実を伝えました。 「お母さん、私はもう中国に住んでいません。今は韓国に住んでいます。みんなで南に行き、一緒に住みましょう。」母はすぐに「あなたは南に行ったのね…ああ、私は行きません」と答えました。そして、彼女は私を断ち切ったのです。


























  母と妹は今ハナウォンを卒業し、新しい社会と生活に適応するために一生懸命働いています。 私の母は未だ私にこう言います。「ありがとう、私の娘よ。 あなたは8年前に私に約束したことを守ってくれたね...」 これは、幸せな家族を築くのに貢献してくれた娘への私の母の心からの感謝の言葉です。




  それは本当です。 死ぬ覚悟ができていれば、できないことはほとんどありません。 これからも韓国社会で自分の居場所を見つけるために一生懸命頑張りたいと思います。 かつて北朝鮮に残された家族の思いが私の安らぎを奪いましたが、その負担から解放され、ようやく息を吹き返すことができるようになりました。











To South Korea in search of freedom, even if it means death


  Perhaps it is because my daughter bore my resemblance, she grew up fast and prettily. A part of me always felt sorry for her. She had met the wrong mother; I could not promise to watch over her forever and I knew that I would have to leave her at some point.


  She was listed under her father’s family register, but I could not be listed there. Because I was not a Chinese citizen, the public security division would not count me in the census.


  In the summer of 2003, I started preparing to leave for South Korea. While I was studying Chinese and listening to South Korean Broadcasts, I came to the conclusion that North Koreans like me had to go to South Korea to live like human beings, and there I could meet my mother again.


  I told my Chinese husband, “I must go to South Korea. There, I’ll find a way to meet my mother and I can make money.” At first, my husband pleaded with me, but when he realized he could not break my resolve, he relented and asked me to leave behind our daughter and keep him updated wherever I am.


  Although he could not marry and had to buy me at a late age, my husband was a good man and he is someone whom I am genuinely grateful for.


  I arrived in Shenyang and immediately got a job to find a route to South Korea. I worked several odd jobs at a beauty salon in Sitaje, Shenyang, and started attending a Korean Church there. The pastor told me there was a way to get to Thailand and I decided to wait for my opportunity. It seemed that the path to South Korea was coming to me quite easily.


  Only after two months of leaving my home in China, I and 5 other North Korean escapees left for Kunming, China with the hope of reaching South Korea. We carried fake passports and transferred from train to bus to avoid the Chinese police; we eventually arrived in the southern region of China.


  We then left Kunming for the Laotian border, sleeping at private homes during the day and traveling only at night. We went around security checkpoints and made our way through jungles to head south. This place, known as the “golden river delta,” was infamous for transporting narcotics into China and hence was especially closely monitored by the police.


  There were ambush sentry boxes in every district, and if one was not careful, anyone could be arrested on the suspicion of possession of drugs. Luckily, we safely arrived at the Mekong River and we made our way to the Republic of Korea’s Embassy in Thailand.


  After a long journey of 6 years since separating from my mother, I arrived at the unfamiliar fatherland of South Korea. The South Korean government spared nothing to help North Korean escapees settle comfortably in communities. I attended vocational school, church, and even took on some part-time jobs.


  However, a part of my heart longed for home; the thought of my mother waiting endlessly for me pained me greatly and prevented me from sleeping peacefully at night.


  I was also troubled by memories of my daughter left behind in China. Thinking about her babbling and doing cute baby things kept me up at night. If I wanted to bring my daughter to South Korea, the only way would be through adoption since she is listed in the Chinese census register.


  Even if she was my daughter, on paper she and I were strangers; because of this barrier, I would only be able to bring her under my care by applying as a foster parent.


  I struggled for a year. I drank and cried because I was unhappy, I sent for news of my mother and all I could do was wait for their reply.


  In September 2005, I heard the happy news that my mother, younger brother, and older sister had crossed the Yalu River. I wanted to fly to China in a heartbeat. Now that they had crossed the border, I was determined to bring my mother and siblings to South Korea, the land of the free.



Four family members traveling through China and Laos, arriving safely in Bangkok


  The South Korean government, at the time, significantly reduced settlement funding to cut off the middlemen who were helping North Koreans escape. Looking into bringing my family to South Korea, I realized that the number of brokers helping escapees had largely decreased due to stringent enforcement of escapees in China and the toughening up of North Korea’s borders. There was no one I could entrust my family with.


  The brokers I managed to find with great difficulty asked for 4 million Korean Won per person just to Thailand; 3,500,000 Korean Won per person to Mongolia. Helping 3 family members escape was going to cost me about 15 million Korean Won. There was no possible way I could afford this bill.


  I figured I would worry about the cost later, and just with the thought of meeting my family, I put everything aside and left for China. Back in 1997, I was tempted with the thought of earning good money working at a restaurant in China; 8 years after leaving my mother and crossing over the border, we were reunited. We hugged and cried our eyes out at an inn in Yanji.


  I could not send my family back to the hellhole. I told my family the whole truth. “Mother, I don’t live in China anymore, I live in South Korea. Let’s all go to the South and live there together.” My mom quickly replied, “So, you went to the South… Oh my… I’m not going,” and she cut me off.


  It was the “fear” of living in a place swarming with American blokes and gangsters that worried my mother.


  My sister also begged to “send her back to the North.” What is worse, she reproached me saying, “After living apart for a few years, you’ve changed.” It was difficult to connect with the brokers, but it was doubly hard to make my family understand.


  My sister, who had never even seen China, was so out of touch with the realities of the outside world. But of course, there was no way for my sister to know. I was the same when I first came to China.


  My sister started to change when we entered a large city. While staying in the city of Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning province, my sister was so impressed by China’s modernized look and material abundance that she eventually reconsidered.


  I continued to look for brokers that would lead us to a third country, but it was not easy to make a link. The brokers I knew in Korea had already quit the business, and the ones in China were hiding their whereabouts so we had no choice but to stay in China for a while.


  We had to be on alert at all times in China. Because none of us had Chinese identity cards and we could not speak Chinese, we were constantly afraid of getting caught; we were sitting on pins and needles every day. As there seemed to be no other way, I decided to lead my family along the route that I escaped through.


Of all the border crossings, the most dangerous zone is the China-Laos border. If you get caught by the Chinese garrison there, they send you back to North Korea in most cases. This is because different from Laos and Thailand, China has signed an extradition treaty (조중범죄자 인도조약) with North Korea.


  Arriving at Kunming, a city in Southern China, I looked for brokers who knew the local geography well and I mapped out a route for crossing the border myself. After a careful plan was made, on June 20, we successfully crossed the China-Laos border with our stomachs in knots.


  “Looking around, North Korea is indeed the poorest”


  Growing up in the dark world of North Korea, my sister was mesmerized by the blinking neon signs and the lit-up streets of Shenyang, China. After seeing Laos and Thailand, she squeezed my hand and confessed, “The more I see, the more I realize that North Korea is the poorest place in the whole world.”
Crossing the Mekong River, avoiding the Thai police, and finally arriving at the South Korean Embassy in Bangkok, I shared all the joys and sorrows with my family and I realized yet again how difficult the road to freedom was. During the process, my family shared close bonds with one another.


  From China to Laos to Thailand, the distance I led my North Korean family was 6 thousand km.


  My mother and sister have now graduated from the Hanawon and are working hard to adjust to a new society and life. My mother still tells me, “Thank you, my daughter. You have kept the promise you made me 8 years ago.” This is my mother’s sincere statement of gratitude to her daughter who has contributed to establishing a happy family.


  When my friends who come over to my house hear my mother tell the story of us crossing the border, they look at me and say things like, “You are better than a man, you are a real hero,” and they spare me no compliments.


  It’s true. If you are prepared to die, there isn’t much you can’t do. From now on, I am determined to work hard to find my place in South Korean society. In the past, the thought of my family left behind in North Korea took away my peace, but now that I am relieved of that burden, I can finally breathe again.


Geum-soon, Suh (alias, 27 years old)

From Hamhung, escaped in 1997, entered in October, 2003


Translated by Sooyeon Kang



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